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Saturday, October 7th, 2023 | 6:00am - 9:00am

Where We Will Meet

Between Main St Parking Garage and Crown Plaza Hotel

Where The Walk Will End

Meet at Beach House Tacos on the Pier

About This Walk

Start Time: 6AM (one hour before sunrise)
End Time: 9AM on the Pier

Our official starting point has been changed (See walk update for more information). Now starts between the Main St Parking Garage and the Crown Plaza Hotel next to the Promenade. 364 S California St, Ventura, CA 93001

About the starting point. I often get asked if it’s OK to start elsewhere on our official walk route rather than the official starting point as stated above. The answer is yes. You may start anywhere on the official route. The only stipulation would be that you end up on the pier at 9AM for the group shot and take the time to introduce yourself to either Joanne or myself and other walkers during the walk. We’re doing this not only to get great images, but also to meet and share our ideas with other creatives. So yes, it’s OK, but I do ask that you get involved with the walk.

About Safety, I know, but it needs to be covered. I’ve never felt threatened in this area but it’s always prudent to be aware of your surroundings and belongings. Things can and will disappear if left unattended. Also, as photographers we instinctively know when we can or cannot approach someone to get their picture. If in doubt please smile and ask for permission (especially with children). Use your best judgment and honor their wishes and all will be fine. From my experience, people like friendly faces and are eager to give them back if they get one.

So, what can we expect to see and photograph during the walk. Lots of surfers, in and out of the water. You’ll be OK with 200mm for the actions shots especially if you’re willing to get a little wet… 300mm to 400mm is ideal. Lots of morning joggers on the promenade and shoreline. Wildlife, mostly birds near our starting point and along the shoreline. Fisherman on the pier should you want to venture out that far. As you get near the pier, it’s always fun to pull out the sticks and play with some long exposure stuff. I’ve seen some well crafted images taken in rather drab conditions so even if the weather doesn’t cooperate, it’s always worth a go. Might want to bring a 2 or 3 stop ND filter along for the ride just in case. Also, I love panning waves from the pier, looking down on them. It’s amazing what you can capture if you just stop and explore them. Might take a bit of time to dial in your exposure, bit it can be worth spending the time to do it. I start at 1/10 of a second, close down and go from there.

Do your homework. Get familiar with doing silhouettes, long exposures, lifestyle photography, nature and animal photography, panning and action shots. This walk has it all and then some. I truly believe this walk is done on one of the best locations on the California Coastline. Be prepared… you won’t regret it.

The walk officially ends at the pier gates located just past
Eric Ericsson’s at 9AM for the group picture. Please be there on time. After the group shot, we’ll be meeting at Beach House Tacos which is located on the pier and opens at 8:30AM. Please try and be there… great people and fun. You won’t regret it.

That’s it for now. BE READY!!!! Going to have a great time.

New Starting Point and New LeaderOctober 3rd, 2023

HI Everyone,
A couple of changes you’ll need to know. First, due to an injury I’ve been dealing with, I’m no longer able to lead or attend the walk. Despite all my efforts, I’m Just not able to make it happen. That means you’ll need a new Walk Leader and as luck would have it, we do. In steps Joanne Budzinski. Joanne has graciously volunteered to keep the walk going. So going forward, Joanne will be the leader. Please introduce yourself to her and thank her. She’s awesome 🙂

Another change is the starting point. The walk now starts between the Main St Parking Garage and the Crown Plaza Hotel by the Promenade. See the walk details for more information. Joanne will be there to greet you and answer any questions you have. With this change, my suggestion would be to use the Main Street Parking Garage for parking. It’s conveniently located at the start and end of the walk. Parking costs are $2/hr up to $10 for the day. But here’s a pro tip. If you eat at Beach House Tacos after the walk, they’ll validate your parking stub, so keep your stub with you during the walk.

According to the Weather Channel, Sunrise is 6:56AM. Temps 62/77 and winds 5-10 mph WSW. Partly cloudy. Not much of a moon to work with (Waning Crescent sets at 3:17 PM). Tide 4 feet (High) at 7:32AM.

A few tips you might want to consider. Since you’re starting near the pier, might want to take advantage of long shutter speeds coupled with sunrise. Bring along a 10 and 3 stop ND for when the sunrises. Don’t forget that tripod. The winds are forecasted to be somewhat tame so those surfer shots, you know, the ones where they shred, may not be there. Think silhouettes or lifestyle if the surf is calm. The pier is still closed from the pier gate to the end for repairs. Scheduled to reopen in the Spring of 2024. The walk extends to the mouth of the Ventura River. Lots of wildlife there. In the past, people have started the walk there to take advantage of that early morning light and whatever wildlife happens to be there.

I think that’s it. Most important thing is to have fun, and meet new creatives. Please thank Joanne for stepping in. Very thankful 🙂

Best of luck, have fun and click away 🙂

Ventura Photowalk UpdateSeptember 4th, 2023

Due to recent storm activity the Ventura Pier from the shoreline to to the end of the pier is closed for repairs. The restaurants at the beginning of the pier remain open for business. That would include Beach House Tacos which is our end of walk meeting place. Any questions, let me know 🙂

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