Saturday, October 5th, 2024 | 9:00am - 9:30am
Where We Will Meet
Park in garage and meet outisde of Puckett's on sidewalk
Where The Walk Will End
Meet for lunch at Puckett's or other nearby restaurant at no
About This Walk
Your choice of location – just walk with at least one buddy – you can do The Factory and/or Harlensdale Farm across the street allowing 15 minutes to get there and 15 minutes to return OR you can cover Main Street from 4th Avenue to the soldier monument and old court house OR you can walk south to Five Points – or wander to Williamson County Administrative Complex at 1320 W Main Street, We plan on doing a book on this Franklin PhotoWalk so your five images with five from each participating photographer should give us an interesting look at Franklin with a wide span of subject matter. I M P O R T A N T PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS to the leader at rjdougall(AT) so you can communicate about this and other aspects of the PhotoWalk. When you upload your best image to the Kelby web site for the contest judging, send your five best shots (roughly 4X6″ at 300 dpi) to your leader at that address. Include captions and a brief bio. After the walk, lunch at Puckett’s or other close-by restaurant. We will announce availability of books and pricing by email, and date and time of a reception in late November at Williamson County Public Library. Franklin winner and 14 runners up will have images on exhibit at the library in December and at the Square Market and Cafe in Columbia TN for January. Framed images will be returned at the Brentwood Photography Group meeting in February at Otter Creek Church on Franklin Road in Brentwood. Dick Dougall is founder of Brentwood Photography Group and a past leader of Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalks since 2009.
Thursday, September 26 – drove through Franklin areas described as our walk and found major event at Harlinsdale Farm which may make that location unwise to use for Photo Walk. It is a major annual event with lots of tents and signs and whatever. Downtown area has a lot of construction areas active so those signs are bound to be included in some images. I would suggest branching to some side streets to photograph some older homes.